My name is Arne Bilet. I am a doctor of medicine now having worked in the university hospital clinic in internal medicine for 2 years and changed into public health with the consulting firm McKinsey now.
I have been playing hockey since I am 7 year old with GTHGC – partly in the team of Jojo Wolff and Jan Hebestreit.
I participated in SWS childrens tournaments in Hamburg and Rouen.
In July/August 2003 I stayed in Rouen for 5 weeks doing an internship in the university hospital Rouen (CHU - Rouen) in gastroenterology organized via SWS.
It was my first experience in a french speaking environment after 6 years of learning french at high school.
It was such a fascinating experience making me a fan of french culture and language (francophone). I continued to study medicine for 1 year at the university of Bordeaux via EU ERASMUS programme in 2004/2005 (also playing hockey at club Villa Primrose there).
I worked in french speaking hospitals in 2008 during my last year of medical school in Lausanne and Bordeaux.